View Solution Values

MPL allows you to view various solution values, in a view window without having to include them in the solution file. There are four possible tables to view:

  1. For the activity values and the reduced costs for each decision variable in the optimal solution choose Values/Reduced Cost from the View menu.
  2. For the slacks and the shadow prices for each constraint in the optimal solution choose Slacks/Shadow Prices from the View menu.
  3. For the ranges of the objective function coefficients choose Ranges Objective from the View menu. The resulting table will contain the name of the variable, the objective function coefficient, the lower bound, and the upper bound.
  4. For the ranges of the right hand side values choose Ranges RHS from the View menu. The resulting table will contain the name of the constraint, the RHS value, the lower bound, and the upper bound.

Please note that the Compute Ranges option in the Solution File Options dialog box must be set prior to solving the model if you want to be able to view ranges. Below, in Figure 4.25 is an example of the view window for ranges of the objective function coefficients.=

Figure 4.25: The View Ranges Objective Window

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