CPLEX MIP Cuts Parameter Options

You can change the MIP Cuts options for CPLEX by choosing CPLEX parameters from the Options menu and then pressing the MIP Cuts tab. This will display the dialog box shown below:

Figure 4.48: The CPLEX MIP Cuts Options Dialog Box

List of Options

Option Name MPL Name Solver Param ParamNr Type Default Min Max
Clique Cuts MipCliqueStrategy Cliques 2003 list 0 -1 2
Cover Cuts MipCoverCutsStrategy Covers 2005 list 0 -1 2
GUB Cuts MipGubCutsInd GUBCovers 2044 list 0 -1 2
MIR cuts MipMirCuts MIRCuts 2052 list 0 -1 2
Implied bound Cuts MipImpliedBoundCutsInd ImplBd 2041 list 0 -1 2
Flow path cuts MipFlowPaths FlowPaths 2051 list 0 -1 2
Disjunctive cuts MipDisjunctiveCuts DisjCuts 2053 list 0 -1 3
Gomory fractional Cuts MipFracStrategy FracCuts 2049 list 0 -1 2
Cutting plane passes limit MipCutPasses CutPass 2056 int 0 -1 MAXINT
Constraint aggregation limit MipAggrCutLimit AggCutLim 2054 int 3 0 MAXINT
Row multiplier factor for cuts MipCutsMultiplierFactor CutsFactor real 4 0 MAXREAL
Gomory passes limit MipFracPassLimit FracPass 2050 int 0 0 MAXINT
Gomory candidate limit MipFracCandLimit FracCand 2048 int 200 0 MAXINT

Description of Options

Clique Cuts

Determines whether or not to generate clique cuts for the problem and how aggressively.

Do not generate cuts (-1) Do not generate clique cuts.
Automatic (0) Generate clique cuts only if it seems to be helping.
Moderately (1) Generate clique cuts moderately.
Aggressively (2) Generate clique cuts aggressively.

Cover Cuts

Determines whether or not to generate cover cuts for the problem and how aggressively.

Do not generate cuts (-1) Do not generate cover cuts.
Automatic (0) Generate Cover cuts only if it seems to be helping.
Moderately (1) Generate cover cuts moderately.
Aggressively (2) Generate cover cuts aggressively.

GUB Cuts

Determines whether or not to generate GUB cuts for the problem and how aggressively.

Do not generate cuts (-1) Do not generate GUB cuts.
Automatic (0) Generate GUB cuts only if it seems to be helping.
Moderatley (1) Generate GUB cuts moderately.
Aggressively (2) Generate GUB cuts aggressively.

MIR cuts

Determines whether or not mixed integer rounding (MIR) cuts should be generated for the problem and how aggressively.

Do not generate cuts (-1) Do not generate MIR cuts.
Automatic (0) Generate MIR cuts only if it seems to be helping.
Moderately (1) Generate MIR cuts moderately.
Aggressively (2) Generate MIR cuts aggressively.

Implied bound Cuts

Determines whether or not to generate implied bound cuts for the problem and how aggressively.

Do not generate cuts (-1) Do not generate bound cuts.
Automatic (0) Generate bound should continue only if it seems to be helping.
Moderately (1) Generate implied bound cuts moderately.
Aggressively (2) Generate implied bound cuts aggressively.

Flow path cuts

Determines whether or not to generate flow path cuts for the problem and how aggressively.

Do not generate cuts (-1) Do not generate flow path cuts.
Automatic (0) Generate flow path cuts only if it seems to be helping
Moderately (1) Generate flow path cuts moderately.
Aggressively (2) Generate flow path cuts aggressively.

Disjunctive cuts

Determines whether or not to generate disjunctive cuts for the problem and how aggressively.

Do not generate cuts (-1) Do not generate disjunctive cuts.
Automatic (0) Generate disjunctive cuts only if it seems to be helping
Moderately (1) Generate disjunctive cuts moderately.
Aggressively (2) Generate disjunctive cuts aggressively.
Very Aggressively (3) Generate disjunctive cuts very aggressively.

Gomory fractional Cuts

Determines whether or not to generate gomory fractional cuts for the problem and how aggressively.

Do not generate cuts (-1)
Automatic (0) Generate gomory fractional cuts only if it seems to be helping.
Moderate (1) For models requiring some fine tuning of performance.
Aggressive (2) For models requiring some fine tuning of performance.

Cutting plane passes limit

Sets the upper limit on the number of passes CPLEX performs when generating cutting planes on a MIP model. Positive values give number of passes to perform. And zero means Automatic (default).

Constraint aggregation limit

Limits the number of constraints that can be aggregated for generating flow cover and mixed integer rounding cuts. For most purposes the default of 3 will be satisfactory.

Row multiplier factor for cuts

Limits the number of cuts that can be added. The number of rows in the problem with cuts added is limited to this factor value times the original number of rows. If the problem is presolved, the original number of rows is that from the presolved problem. A factor of 1.0 o less means that no cuts will be generated. Because cuts can be added and removed during the course of optimization, factor may not correspond directly to the number of cuts seen during the node log or in the summary table at the end of optimization.

Gomory passes limit

Limits the number of passes for generating Gomory fractional cuts. At the default setting of 0, CPLEX decides. The parameter is ignored if the Gomory fractional cut parameter is is set to a nonzero value.

Gomory candidate limit

Limits the number of candidate variables for generating Gomory fractional cuts. The default is 200.

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