
CSsharp Example:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections;
using Maximal.OptiMax;

namespace ShortPath
   class MplShortPath
      private string _resultString;
      private double _totalDistance;
      private double[] _path;

      public MplShortPath()
         _resultString = "";
         _totalDistance = 0.0;
         _path = null;

      private ResultType loadModel(Model model, string startCity, string endCity, string[] cityNames, ArrayList routeDistData)
         const double flow = 1.0;
            model.IndexSets.Add("node", cityNames);
            model.IndexSets.Add("FromNode[node]", cityNames);
            model.IndexSets.Add("ToNode[node]", cityNames);

            model.DataVectors.Add("Distance[FromNode,ToNode]", routeDistData);
            model.DataStrings.Add("StartCity", startCity);
            model.DataStrings.Add("EndCity", endCity);

            model.VariableVectors.Add("Path[FromNode, ToNode] WHERE (Distance > 0)");
            model.Objectives.Add("SUM(FromNode,ToNode: Distance*Path)");

            ConstraintVector conFlowBal = model.ConstraintVectors.Add("FlowBalance[node]",
                "SUM(FromNode: Path[FromNode, ToNode:=node]) = SUM(ToNode: Path[FromNode:=node, ToNode])");
            conFlowBal[startCity].RHSValue = -flow;
            conFlowBal[endCity].RHSValue = flow;
         catch (Exception ex)
         return model.LastResult;

      public bool SolveModel(string solverName, string startCity, string endCity, string[] cityNames, ArrayList routeDistData)
         OptiMax mpl = new OptiMax();
         Model model = mpl.Models.Add("ShortPath");
         Solver solver = mpl.Solvers.Add(solverName);
         if (solver == null)
            _resultString = "Solver " + solverName + " was not found.";
            return false;
         ResultType result = loadModel(model, startCity, endCity, cityNames, routeDistData);
         if (result != ResultType.Success)
            _resultString = model.Error.ToString();
            return false;
         model.UseExceptions = false;
         result = model.Solve(solver);
         if (result != ResultType.Success)
            _resultString = "Solver " + solver.Name + ": " + model.ResultString + "\n" + model.Solution.ResultString;
            return false;
         _resultString = model.Solution.ResultString;

         return true;

      private int getSolutionValues(Model model)
         VariableVector varPath = model.VariableVectors["Path"];
         List<double> solPath = new List<double>();
         foreach (Variable var in varPath)
         _path = solPath.ToArray();
         _totalDistance = model.Solution.ObjectValue;
         return solPath.Count;

      public string ResultString
         get { return _resultString; }

      public double[] Path
         get { return _path; }

      public double TotalDistance
         get { return _totalDistance; }

      public string DataDir
            return GetDataDir();

      public static string GetDataDir()
         OptiMax tempMpl = new OptiMax();
         string dataDir = tempMpl.ModelDirectory;
         tempMpl = null;
         return dataDir;




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