The VariableVector object is an element of the VariableVectors collection and contains all the information stored about each variable vector in the model.
Returns the Subscripts collection for the variable vector. (Object Property)
Returns the Variable object for the variable specified by the Position property. (Object Property)
The number of elements in the variable vector. (Integer Property - Read Only)
The declaration of the variable vector. (String Property - Read Only)
The name of the variable vector. (String Property - Read Only)
The current position within the vector. (Integer Property - Read/Write)
True if the current position in the vector is valid. (Boolean Property - Read Only)
Moves the position to the vector element specified by the subscripts. (Method)
Moves the position to the next valid element of the variable vector. (Method)
Moves the position to the vector element specified by the subscripts. (Method)