Session 4: A Production Planning Model with Multiple Time Periods

You will now expand the model from the previous session to include multiple time periods. A new period index is introduced into the model to cover these time periods and then update the various vectors that have been affected to account for the new domain.

New Concepts in This Session

Period Indexes

In order to update your model to include a multiple period, you will need to create an index that represents that time period. This type of index is called a period index. After you have defined your period index, you can then use it to update data, variable and constraint vectors to include a specified time period. Examples of period indexes might include: months, quarters, and years.

Sales and Inventory Variables

When you are upgrading a model from a single period to multiple periods, the sales for a specific period may differ from the amount produced in that same period. As a result, a new variable is needed that represents how much needs to be sold, and a new variable that represents the inventory level for each period.

In many cases, there is a fixed cost per period involved with storing inventory. In other cases, however, the cost might not be connected to the actual storing of the inventory, but rather with the stocking and removing of the products from the inventory storage, through the labor costs involved. This means you would need more variables to the model, one for stocking the products, and another for removing them from the inventory.

Inventory Balance Constraints

As it is not possible to sell more of the products than you have on hand, the inventory variable is used to connect the production variables to the sales variables. This is done through a type of constraint, typically called a balance constraint. Balance constraints are used to ensure that quantities going into an entity equal the quantities going out.

A typical inventory balance constraint, Stipulates that the total production, plus the inventory level from the previous period, equals the amount sold, plus how much you leave in the inventory. An example of an inventory balance constraint is:

     Produce + Inventory[month-1] = Sales + Inventory

In this case, the entity being balanced is the inventory. The Invt[month-1] is a notation used in MPL to represent the previous period. When working with an inventory where a cost needs to be applied to the stocking and removing of the inventory, you will need define two balance constraints. For example:

     Produce + OutInvt = Sales + PutInvt

     PutInvt + Inventory[month-1] = OutInvt + Inventory

If you think of the plant as an entity, in the first constraint we are balancing what goes into the plant with what goes out. In the same manner, the second constraint balances what goes in to, and what goes out of the inventory.

Initial and Ending Inventory

In many cases the model developer needs to specify a specific initial or ending inventory for the planning period. MPL by default excludes entries the Inventory[month-1] for month equal to zero. There are several ways you can specify a starting inventory, for example you can enter the constraint in two parts as follows:

        month := (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr)

        StartInvt := 450

           produce + StartInvt = sales + Inventory

        InvtBal [month>Jan]:
           produce + Inventory[month-1] = sales + Inventory

This will create a balance constraint for the month of January with starting inventory of 450 units. There are other ways of including a starting inventory in MPL that does not require you to duplicate the constraint, for example with subindexes, but this is the simplest way to formulate these kind of constraints.

Problem Description: A Multi-Period Production Planning Model

In this session, you will create the new model formulation for a multi-period production planning model. You will use the model you created in Session 3, and make the necessary additions and updates to it.

In this new problem, you have a planning period of four months, from January to April. You need to create an index that contains the four months mentioned, and then update the rest of the model accordingly, by adding the index to the defined vectors.

As in the problem in Session 3, the selling price for each product is still $120.00, $100.00, $115.00, respectively. Now, instead of having a single demand for each product, you have a separate demand for each product and each month, as given in the table below:

Production Demand Jan Feb Mar Apr
A1 4300 4200 6400 5300
A2 4500 5400 6500 7200
A3 5400 6700 7800 8200

The production rate and the production cost remain the same, as given in the table in Session 3. Notice that the production days available are different for each month with 23 days for January, 20 for February, 23 for March and 22 for April.

You will be introducing inventory into the model, therefore, you have the inventory cost for each product with A1 $3.50/month , A2 -$4.00/month and A3 - $3.00/month, respectively.

Each product takes up the same amount of space, but the total inventory capacity is now 800 units per month.

Formulation of the Model in MPL

Listed below is the entire model formulation for Planning4. As you can see the model has expanded somewhat from Session 3. The additions to the model are highlighted in boldface in order to make it easy for you to see the changes.


        product   := (A1, A2, A3);
        month     := (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr);

        Price[product]                 := (120.00, 100.00, 115.00);
        Demand[product, month]         := (4300, 4200, 6400, 5300,
                                           4500, 5400, 6500, 7200,

                                           5400, 6700, 7800, 8200);
        ProdCost[product]              := (73.30, 52.90, 65.40);
        ProdRate[product]              := (500, 450, 550);
        ProdDaysAvail[month]           := (23, 20, 23, 22);
        InvtCost[product]              := (3.50, 4.00, 3.00);
        InvtCapacity                   := 800;

        Produce[product, month] -> Prod;
        Inventory[product,month] -> Invt;

        Sales[product, month]    -> Sale;

        TotalRevenue     := SUM(product, month: Price * Sales);
        TotalProdCost    := SUM(product, month: ProdCost * Produce);
        TotalInvtCost    := SUM(product, month: InvtCost * Inventory);

        TotalCost        := TotalProdCost + TotalInvtCost;


        MAX Profit = TotalRevenue - TotalCost;

        ProdCapacity[month] -> PCap:
           SUM(product: Produce / ProdRate)   <=  ProdDaysAvail;

        InvtBal[product, month] -> IBal: 
           Produce + Inventory[month-1]  =  Sales + Inventory;

        MaxInventory[month] -> MaxI:
           SUM(product: Inventory)   <=  InvtCapacity;

        Sales   <=  Demand;


Enter New Elements to the Model Step-by-Step

Step 1: Start MPL and Create a New Model

  1. Start the MPL application.

  2. Choose File | Open and open the model from the previous sessionPlanning3.mpl.

  3. Choose File | Save As to save it as a new model filePlanning4.mpl.

Step 2: Change the Title for the Model

Change the title for the model to reflect that you are working with the Planning4 model:


Step 3: Add the Index 'month' to the Model

In this example, there is a planning period of four months. Create a new index called month. This index will have four elements Jan, Feb, Mar, and Apr, to represent the four month planning period. Add the following definition for the month index, that is highlighted in boldface, to the INDEX section:

        product := (A1, A2, A3);
        month   := (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr);

Step 4: Update the 'Demand' Data Vector to Include the 'month' Index

In the DATA section, most of the data definitions are the same as in Session 3. One of the data vectors; Demand, needs to be upgraded to include the month index, as it now has different data values for each month. The values for this vector are given in the table in the problem description earlier in this session. Add the index month to the declaration for the Demand data vector, followed with a list of data values as shown below:

        Price[product]        := (120.00, 100.00, 115.00);
        Demand[product,month] := (4300, 4200, 6400, 5300,
                                  4500, 5400, 6500, 7200,
                                  5400, 6700, 7800, 8200);

Step 5: Update the 'ProdDaysAvail' Data Constant to a Data Vector over the Index 'month'

The data constant ProdDaysAvail now has a different value for each month, as does the Demand data vector. This means it needs to be upgraded from a data constant to a one dimensional data vector, with the month as the index. Using the list of production days available, found in the problem description earlier in this session, update the ProdDaysAvail as follows:

        ProdCost[product]      := (73.30, 52.90, 65.40);
        ProdRate[product]      := (500, 450, 550);
        ProdDaysAvail[month]   := (23, 20, 23, 22);

Step 6: Add Data Vectors for Inventory Cost and Inventory Capacity

The problem description defined a cost for each product stored in inventory and a limit on how much can be stored in the inventory. Therefore, in order to represent this, add one more data vector to the model; InvtCost, and also a new data constant, InvtCapacity. At the end of the DATA section add the following definitions:

        InvtCost[product] := (3.50, 4.00, 3.00);
        InvtCapacity      := 800;

Step 7: Add Inventory and Sales Variables to the Model

With this model there are two new variables, Sales and Inventory, that need to be introduced into the model. The Sales variable is used to represent how much of each product is sold each month. The Inventory variable is used to represent how much of each product is stored, each month. The Produce variable needs to be upgraded to include the index month as different amounts of each product are produced, each month. In the model add the following definitions to the VARIABLES section:

         Produce[product, month]     -> Prod;
         Inventory[product,month]    -> Invt;
         Sales[product, month]       -> Sale; 

As in the previous model, the name that appears after the '->' (read becomes) sign is an optional abbreviation of the vector name. This is used to offset the variable name size limitations of many LP solvers.

Step 8: Add the Inventory Cost to the Objective Function

In the model from the previous session, the total revenue and the total production cost are included in the objective function. Now you need to update this objective function with the index; month, and add an entry for the total inventory cost. As in the previous session, you will continue to use macros to represent each summation.

When calculating the total revenue, you will need to refer to the Sales variable instead of the Produce variable and add the index month to the summation. For the total production cost, you will also need to upgrade the summation to include the month index. The total inventory cost will be defined, as the inventory cost, times the inventory level, for each product and month.

To make the changes in the MACROS section, replace the Produce variable with the Sales variable, update the total revenue and the total production cost summations to include the month index, and add a new macro definition for the total inventory cost as follows:

         TotalRevenue     := SUM(product, month: Price * Sales);
         TotalProdCost    := SUM(product, month: ProdCost * Produce);
         TotalInvtCost    := SUM(product, month: InvtCost * Inventory);
         TotalCost        := TotalProdCost + TotalInvtCost;

Please note that the macro for the total production cost has been renamed to TotalProdCost. Another new macro; TotalCost, has been added where you can sum together these two macros to get the total cost. This allows the objective function definition to remain unchanged:


          MAX Profit = TotalRevenue - TotalCost;

Step 9: Update the Production Capacity Constraint for Multiple Months

In the production capacity constraint, add the index month to the constraint definition and the rest of the constraint remains the same.

         ProdCapacity[month] -> PCap:
             SUM(product: Produce / ProdRate)  <=  ProdDaysAvail;

Please note that in MPL you do not have to enter each index subscript when referring to the data and variable vectors. This means you can easily add more indexes to constraints without having to change how you refer to each vector.

Step 10: Add an Inventory Balance Constraint to the Model

The addition of the Inventory variable to the model needs to include a standard inventory balance constraint. This constraint ranges over each product and each month, specifying that the production, plus the inventory from the month before, is equal to the amount sold, plus the inventory for the current month. Add the following InvtBal constraint below the previous ProdCapacity constraint:

        InvtBal[product, month] -> IBal:
            Produce + Inventory[month-1]  =  Sales + Inventory; 

When entering previous time periods, as in this case the month before, MPL allows you to use expressions such as [month-1].

Step 11: Add an Inventory Capacity Constraint to the Model

There is a limit on how much inventory space is available. Therefore, you need to add an inventory capacity constraint to the model. In the problem description, you were told that each product takes up an equal amount of space in inventory and that you can add, or sum over, all of the products to get the total inventory space used. Add the following constraint definition to the model:

        MaxInventory[month] -> MaxI:
            SUM(product: Inventory)   <=  InvtCapacity;

Step 12: Update the Maximum Demand Upper Bound to use the 'Sales' Variable

In the maximum demand upper bound you need to update it to include the Sales variable instead of the Produce variable as shown here below:

        Sales   <=  Demand;

After you have finished entering the model, you should save it by choosing Save from the File menu.

Solve the Model and Analyze the Solution

The next step is to solve the Planning4 model, by choosing Solve CPLEX from the Run menu. If you have entered the data correctly, MPL will display the message Optimal Solution Found. If there is an error message window, with a syntax error, please check the formulation you entered with the model detailed earlier in this session.

After solving the model MPL automatically creates a standard solution file named 'Planning4.sol'. You can display the solution file in a view window by pressing the View button at the bottom of the Status Window. A full listing of the solution file is shown below:

     MPL Modeling System   -   Copyright (c) 1988-2001, Maximal Software, Inc.


  Problem name:       Production_Planning4

  Filename:           Planning4.mpl
  Date:               April 17, 1998
  Time:               22:52
  Parsing time:       0.15 sec

  Solver:             CPLEX
  Objective value:    2246007.27273
  Iterations:         26
  Solution time:      0.04 sec

  Constraints:        20
  Variables:          36
  Nonzeros:           69
  Density:            10 %


    Optimal solution found

      MAX Profit   =    2246007.2727


      Macro Name                           Values
      TotalRevenue                   5386045.4545
      TotalProdCost                  3139078.1818
      TotalInvtCost                      960.0000
      TotalCost                      3140038.1818


  VARIABLE Produce[product,month] :

     product  month           Activity     Reduced Cost
     A1       Jan           4300.0000           0.0000
     A1       Feb           4200.0000           0.0000
     A1       Mar           4409.0909           0.0000
     A1       Apr           3545.4545           0.0000
     A2       Jan           1800.0000           0.0000
     A2       Feb              0.0000          -3.6667
     A2       Mar              0.0000          -4.7889
     A2       Apr              0.0000          -0.7889
     A3       Jan           5720.0000           0.0000
     A3       Feb           6380.0000           0.0000
     A3       Mar           7800.0000           0.0000
     A3       Apr           8200.0000           0.0000

  VARIABLE Inventory[product,month] :

     product  month           Activity     Reduced Cost
     A1       Jan              0.0000          -0.2000
     A1       Feb              0.0000          -2.4900
     A1       Mar              0.0000          -3.5000
     A1       Apr              0.0000        -123.5000
     A2       Jan              0.0000          -4.0000
     A2       Feb              0.0000          -4.0000
     A2       Mar              0.0000           0.0000
     A2       Apr              0.0000        -108.0000
     A3       Jan            320.0000           0.0000
     A3       Feb              0.0000          -2.0818
     A3       Mar              0.0000          -3.0000
     A3       Apr              0.0000        -110.8545

  VARIABLE Sales[product,month] :

     product  month           Activity     Reduced Cost
     A1       Jan           4300.0000           4.3100
     A1       Feb           4200.0000           1.0100
     A1       Mar           4409.0909           0.0000
     A1       Apr           3545.4545           0.0000
     A2       Jan           1800.0000           0.0000
     A2       Feb              0.0000           0.0000
     A2       Mar              0.0000           0.0000
     A2       Apr              0.0000          -4.0000
     A3       Jan           5400.0000          11.0636
     A3       Feb           6700.0000           8.0636
     A3       Mar           7800.0000           7.1455
     A3       Apr           8200.0000           7.1455


  CONSTRAINT ProdCapacity[month] :

     month              Slack     Shadow Price
     Jan              0.0000      -21195.0000
     Feb              0.0000      -22845.0000
     Mar              0.0000      -23350.0000
     Apr              0.0000      -23350.0000

  CONSTRAINT InvtBal[product,month] :

     product  month              Slack     Shadow Price
     A1       Jan              0.0000         115.6900
     A1       Feb              0.0000         118.9900
     A1       Mar              0.0000         120.0000
     A1       Apr              0.0000         120.0000
     A2       Jan              0.0000         100.0000
     A2       Feb              0.0000         100.0000
     A2       Mar              0.0000         100.0000
     A2       Apr              0.0000         104.0000
     A3       Jan              0.0000         103.9364
     A3       Feb              0.0000         106.9364
     A3       Mar              0.0000         107.8545
     A3       Apr              0.0000         107.8545

  CONSTRAINT MaxInventory[month] :

     month              Slack     Shadow Price
     Jan            480.0000           0.0000
     Feb            800.0000           0.0000
     Mar            800.0000           0.0000
     Apr            800.0000           0.0000


According to the solution, the profit is now $2.2M which is considerably higher than in the Planning3 model, as we are now working with four months. This comes from a total revenue of $5.4M and a total cost of $3.1M, most of which is the production cost, as we keep a very low inventory just for January.

If you look at the Produce variable in the solution, you will notice that we are producing products A1 and A3 for the whole planning period, although not always up to the full demand. Product A2, on the other hand, is only produced 1800 units in January, as we do not have enough capacity to produce all three of the products.

In January, the model decided to produce extra 320 units of A3, above the required demand, in order to put enough into inventory to satisfy the demand in February.

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