Change Generate File Options

You can change various options for generated files by choosing Generate File from the Options menu. This will display the Generate File Options dialog box shown below.

Figure 4.40: Generate File Options Dialog Box

List of Options

Option Name MPL Name Solver Param ParamNr Type Default Min Max
Include comments MpsNoComments Flag 0 0 1
Make all names uppercase MpsNameUpCase Flag 0 0 1
Convert to minimize MpsCreateAsMin Flag 0 0 1
Single Column MpsSingleCol Flag 0 0 1
SOS reference rows MpsSosRefRows Flag 0 0 1
Use UI bound entries MpsDefUIBound Real 32000 0 MAXREAL
Use integer markers MpsIntMarkers Flag 0 0 1
Left Margin LeftMargin Integer 3 0 256
Left Indent LeftIndent Integer 5 0 256
Right Margin RightMargin Integer 72 0 256
Generate MPL Matlab Format Flag 1 0 1
Generate Gurobi Matlab Format Flag 0 0 1

Description of Options

Include comments

This option determines whether MPL should place comments in the header of the MPS file that give various statistics about the problem. The default is On.

Make all names uppercase

This option determines whether MPL should uppercase characters the names in the MPS file. The default is Off.

Convert to minimize

This option determines whether the sense of the objective function will be converted to minimize regardless of how the original formulation was set up. This can be useful when creating MPS files for packages that require MIN problems.

Single Column

This option determines whether the MPS file is written with one column of data in the COLUMN section. The default is Off for two columns of data.

SOS reference rows

This option determines whether reference rows can be specified when creating SOS marker records. When this option is set the SETORG entry will be moved to field 4 to make space for the reference row which will be put in field 6.

Use UI bound entries

This option determines whether integer variables will be specified using UI records in the BOUNDS section in the generated MPS file. This is the default.

Use integer markers

This option determines whether integer variables will be specified using integer marker records in the COLUMNS section in the generated MPS file.

Left Margin

This value sets the left margin for the generated input file. The default value is 3.

Left Indent

This value sets the left indent for the generated input file. The default value is 5.

Right Margin

This value sets the right margin for the generated input file. The default value is 72.

Generate MPL Matlab Format

This option determines whether the Matlab file that is written is based on the MPL Matlab input format.

Generate Gurobi Matlab Format

This option determines whether the Matlab file that is written is based on the Gurobi Matlab input format.

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