2.4 Using the MPL Environment

To run the MPL program, select MPL for Windows from the Start menu. MPL for Windows is a fully integrated model development environment with multiple windows and dialog boxes, pull-down menus, toolbar, model editor, and an on-screen output viewer

To start working on your model choose from the File menu either New to create new model or Open to edit an existing model. To save your model use either Save or Save As from the File menu.

MPL Model Development Environment

Figure 2.2: MPL after Solving a Model

After you have worked on your model in the editor choose Solve <solvername> from the Run menu to solve the model.

While optimizing, MPL displays a status window that gives you information on the solution progress. When the model has been solved, the solution is written to a solution file. You can use options from the View menu to display various parts of the solution. You can also use the Graph menu to display a graph of the matrix or the objective function.

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