Option Name | MPL Name | Solver Param | ParamNr | Type | Default | Min | Max |
Operation Mode | opmode | OpMode | 1 | list | 3 | 0 | 3 |
Global Max Function | g_maxfct | GMaxFct | 2 | int | -1 | -1 | MAXINT |
Merit Function limit | max_nosuc | MaxNoSuc | 3 | int | -1 | -1 | MAXINT |
Penulty multiplier | penmult | PenMult | 4 | real | 100.0 | 0.0001 | MAXREAL |
Termination criteria | acc_tr | AccTr | 5 | real | -MAXREAL | -MAXREAL | MAXREAL |
Target merit function | fct_trg | FctTrg | 6 | real | -MAXREAL | -MAXREAL | MAXREAL |
Merit function tolerance | fi_tol | FiTol | 7 | real | 1e-8 | 1e-8 | 0.1 |
Constraint Max violation | con_tol | ConTol | 8 | real | 1e-8 | 1e-8 | 0.1 |
KKT tolerance | kt_tol | KtTol | 9 | real | 1e-8 | 1e-8 | 0.1 |
Randon seed | irngs | IRngs | 10 | int | 0 | 0 | MAXINT |
Time limit | tlimit | TLimit | 11 | int | 600 | 600 | MAXINT |
Log frequency | logfreq | LogFreq | 12 | int | 10000 | 10000 | MAXINT |
Function evaluation log | userfct | UserFct | 13 | flag | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Variable value log | usercnt | UserCnt | 14 | int | 3 | 1 | MAXINT |
Debug status | dbgopt | DbgOpt | 16 | flag | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Debug model | dbgmodel | DbgModel | 17 | flag | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Debug tree | dbgtree | DbgTree | 18 | flag | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Specifies the algorithm to be used, following possible selections:
Local Search (0) | Local search from the given nominal solution without preceding local search (LS). |
Brand And Bound (1) | Global branch-and-bound search and local search (BB+LS). |
Adaptive Random (2) | Global adaptive random search and local search (GARS+LS). |
Multistart Random (3) | Global multistart random search and local search (MS+LS) |
Maximum number of merit function evaluations before termination of globalsearch phase (BB, GARS, or MS). The defualt value of -1 means 500(nvars+nocns). The difficultly of global optimization models varies greatly: for difficult models, g_maxfct can be increased as needed
Maximum number of merit function evaluations in global search phase (BB,GARS, or MS) where no improvement is made. Global search terminates upon reaching this limit. The value of -1 uses 100(nvars+ncons). For difficult models, this value can also be increased as needed.
Constraint penalty multiplier. Global search phase merit function is defined as objective + the violated constraints weighted by penmult.
Global search termination criterion parameter (acceptability threshold). The global search phase (BB, GARS, or MS) ends, if an overall merit function value found in the global search phase is less than acc_tr.
Target merit function value in local search phase.
Local search merit function improvement tolerance.
Maximal admissible constraint violation in local search.
Kuhn-Tucker local optimality condition tolerance.
Random number seed. An arbitrary integer value can be used instead of the default 0.
Time limit in seconds.
Log output occurs evey logfreq iterations.
Boolean option whether to display function evaluations in the log output.
The level of present variable value information displayed in the log output, higher th enumber more variable values are displayed. Only active if userfct is set to 1.
Boolean option whether to print out LGO status report in log output.
Boolean option whether to display model information in log output.
Boolean option whether to display the evaluation tree in nonlinear MPS format in the log output.