Modifying the Supplier Discount
The Matcom Supplier offers to give discounts
if all the raw material is acquired from the vendor
Additions to the model formulation
- Add Binary Variable
- Update computation of the TotalRawCost
- Constraints enforcing the discounting rule
AssigningSpecialSupplier[rawmat] -> ASSP:
SUM(plant,month: RawSupplyMat) <= ChooseSupply * M;
ForceNoOtherSupplier[vendor<>Matcom,rawmat] -> ENOS:
SUM(plant,month: RawSupply)<= M * (1 - ChooseSupply);
SupplierQty[vendor=Matcom,rawmat,plant,month] -> SQNC:
RawSupplyMat <= RawSupply;