Conference Slide Presentations

INFORMS Atlanta,Georgia October 2003

Some Keys to Success for Optimization Modeling

Abstract: Practical optimization applications continue to be bigger, more complex, closer to real-time, less dependent on OR gurus, and more depended upon by organizations of all kinds. We have many great researchers and commerical implementers to thank for the remarkable advances in computers and solvers that make this possible, but there is another big part of the story, which is sometimes overlooked: good modeling practice. This talk will recommend some keys to successful optimization modeling.

Author: Rick Rosenthal
Naval Postgraduate School
Home Page:


  1. Ten Keys to Success in Optimization Modeling
  2. Theme
  3. Theme (continued)
  4. Acknowledgements
  5. Can You Teach Modeling?
  6. Key #1: Communicate Early and Often
  7. Mathematical Formulation
  8. Verbal Description of Formulation
  9. Non-mathematical Executive Summary
  10. Refining Your Executive Summary
  11. Non-mathematical Executive Summary
  12. Key #2: Bound all Decisions
  13. Bound all Decisions
  14. Bound all Decisions
  15. Key #3: Expect any Constraint to Become an Objective, and Vice Versa
  16. Key #4: Sensitivity Analysis in the Real World Is Nothing Like Textbook SA
  17. LP Sensitivity, Practitioner Style
  18. Sensitivity Analysis, Practitioner Style
  19. Forget Textbook Sensitivity Analysis, Plan on Lots of Model Excursions
  20. Key #5: Bound the Dual Variables
  21. Key #6: Model Robustly
  22. Model Robustly
  23. Key #7: Eliminate Lots of Variables
  24. Example 1 of Variable Elimination
  25. Example 2 of Variable Elimination
  26. Eliminate Lots of Variables
  27. Eliminate Lots of Variables
  28. Key #8: Incremental Implementation
  29. Incremental Implementation
  30. Key #9: Persistence
  31. Illustration of Persistence
  32. Illustration of Persistence
  33. Illustration of Persistence
  34. Illustration of Persistence
  35. Illustration of Persistence
  36. Illustration of Persistence
  37. Persistence
  38. Key #10: Common Sense
  39. Common Sense
  40. Common Sense
  41. Common Sense
  42. 10 Keys to Success in Optimization Modeling
  43. PPT Slide
  44. Questions and Comments?

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