Change MPL Language Options

You can change the various preferences for MPL by choosing MPL Language from the Options menu. This will display the MPL Languages Options dialog box shown below.

Figure 4.37: The MPL Language Options Dialog Box

List of Options

Option Name MPL Name Solver Param ParamNr Type Default Min Max
Case Sensitive CaseSensitive Flag 1 0 1
Plain variables must be defined PlainVarDefined Flag 1 0 1
Message window DataCoeffList Flag 1 0 1
Log file LogToFile Flag 1 0 1
ModelType ModelType list 1 0 3
Use Extended Parser ParserType flag 0 0 1
Input Directory InputDir String 0 0 0
Output Directory OutputDir String 0 0 0
Check sparse data for duplicate entries CheckDuplicateData Flag 1 0 1
Check sparse data is outside range CheckOutsideRange Flag 1 0 1
Use quicksort for sparse data UseQuickSort Flag 1 0 1
Name Generation NameGenType Flag 0 0 2
Max variable length MaxVarLen Integer 8 1 40
Max subscript Length MaxSubLen Integer 3 1 40

Description of Options

Case Sensitive

Directs whether the MPL language is case sensitive or not. The default is case sensitive On.

Plain variables must be defined

Specifies whether plain variables must be defined in the Decision Variable section of the model or can be introduced as they appear in the model. For larger models, requiring plain variables to be defined, can increase the maintainability of the model.

Message window

Specifies whether log information from the MPL language parser are send to the Message Window. This is the same option as the Performance statistics option in the PL Environment Options dialog box.

Log file

Specifies whether log information from the MPL language parser are to send to file.


Specifies the defualt model type the MPL language parser should accept.

Linear Models (1) Specifies that the MPL language parser should only accept models that are either linear or mixed integer.
Quadratic Models (2) Specifies that the MPL language parser should accept models that are quadratic in addition to the standard linear or mixed integer models.
Nonlinear Models (3) Specifies that the MPL language parser should accept models that are nonlinear, for example have variables multiplied together or uses one of the arithmetic functions like LOG or EXP on variables.

Use Extended Parser

Specifies that the extended MPL language parser should be used to parse the MPL model file. The extended parser allows more complicated expressions to be parsed like nested summations/mulitplications, often useful in nonlinear modeling.

Input Directory

Selects the folder where MPL will search for input data files. The default is the current folder.

Output Directory

Selects the folder where MPL will save output data files. The default is the current folder.

Check sparse data for duplicate entries

Specifies whether sparse data files are checked for duplicate index entries. In some cases the user may want to read in a data file without receiving errors even if it has duplicate entries. When there are duplicate entries, the last entry in the file will be used by MPL.

Check sparse data is outside range

Specifies whether sparse data files are checked whereby the index entries are outside the defined index ranges.

Use quicksort for sparse data

Specifies whether sparse data is sorted with quicksort after it is read in. It is normally faster to use quicksort but if there is an invalid entry, such as duplicates, in the data file MPL will not be able to pinpoint the problem line accurately.

Name Generation

Specifies the format for which MPL will generate the names for the vector variables and constraints.

Indexed names (0) Directs MPL to generate names for vector variables and constraints using the indexes they were defined with.
Numeric names (1) Directs MPL to generate variable names as numeric with the prefix 'C' and constraint names with the prefix 'R'.
Prefixed numeric names (2) Directs MPL to generate names for vector variables and constraints as numeric with the prefix based on the vector name.

Max variable length

Most LP solvers have a restriction on the length of variable names. Since MPL, in most cases, sends the matrix directly through memory to the solver, the variable names are normally not needed. If they are needed, the value set here helps you ensure that the variable names generated are within limits. The default value is 8.

Max subscript Length

This value decides how many characters of indexes are retained in the generated variable name. This allows you to use long index names in the model, but keep variable names concise in the generated input file. The default value is 3.

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