Maximal Web Site: |
How did you hear about the Maximal Web site? |
How often have you visited the site in recent months? |
Do you refer the Maximal Web site to others? |
No |
Which O.R. web sites have you visited in the rcent months? |
| Michael Trick O.R. Web Site |
| CPLEX Optimization |
| Other: |
Which sessions with more types would you like to see
Maximal Software add to the MPL Online Tutorial: |
Transportation/network models |
Diet/blending models |
Process scheduling models |
Financial models |
Integer models |
Non-Linear models |
Other: |
What type of sessions would you like to see
Maximal Software add to the MPL Online Tutorial: |
Sensitivity analysis |
Solver control and tuning |
Database Connection |
Creating business applications |
Other: |
Would you like to see Maximal Software: |
Use larger models in On-line tutorial? |
Add more business case oriented models |
Continue offering free student versions og MPL for download |
Write a textbook based on the on-line tutorial |
Do you have a problem description/model formulation/case problem that you want
to share with others? We would handle setting it up on the web (with or without
your reference) and test it. We are currently actively looking for models and cases
that we can publish on the Web for teachers to use in their courses. |
No |
What other enhancements/additions for Maximal educational
material would you suggest? |