In order to estabilish that you belong to an academic institution we will require proof of ID. The selected type of IDs are valid for verification
Please note any webpage listed has to be a valid and operational page and clearly show the association with the academic institution, otherwise it cannot be considered proof of academic status. If you selected either University Photo ID or Letter from Professor/Teacher, please fax this to: +1-703-522-7902 (USA) or +44-208-4343-529 (UK).
For what purpose will the software be used for? (you can select more than one option)
Teach Courses In:
Teaching at which level of study:
Which textbook will be mainly used in the course?
What other optimization software will be used in the course, if any?:
Is the research you are undertaking in collaboration with other institutions?
Is there a possibility of govermental or commercial implementation for the research work being undertaken?
Type of Model(s):
Which level of study:
Is the project in collaboration with a govermental or commercial organization?