Optimizing Business Applications

MPL Academic Program

Maximal Software offers a special program for academic institutions where academics and their students have free access to the world renowned MPL Modeling System for educational classroom and research purposes. This program is available worldwide to universities, colleges and other academic institutions.

Description and conditions of the MPL Academic Program

The program is being offered to professors, teachers, and students that want to use the MPL software for academic purposes, hereafter called academic software or software or MPL.

Software License

  • Each license includes the full-size version of the MPL software, including any or all of the options available, Database Connection, OptiMax Component Library, and Stochastic Extensions.

  • The software can be installed on any machine that you use, including your own personal computers. You will need to request a separate license for each computer.

  • The academic software is allowed to be used for developing and formulating optimization models that are ultimately intended to be used for commercial use. But, it is NOT allowed to use the academic software to run optimization models for any commercial purpose (see conditions below).

  • Each academic license is time-limited (typically 3-9 months). The time period is determined by Maximal Software, based on the information provided by the applicant on the application form. At the end of the time period, the applicant can re-apply for extension of the license.


  • The academic version of MPL currently comes with the full-size solver CoinMP for free. Gurobi also offers a Free Academic License that can be used with MPL; please see this page for further details:

  • Other solvers supported by MPL, for example CPLEX, XPRESS, LINDO, XA, CONOPT, KNITRO, and LGO, will also work with the academic version, but will have to be acquired separately, either from their respective vendor or from Maximal Software.

Tech Support

  • We will try our best to respond to any technical support requests regarding the installation and use of the MPL Academic software, but please note that since the access to the software is provided for free, there is obviously going to be some limitations on how much support we can give. If you think you will require receiving technical support, you still have the option of purchasing the MPL software with maintenance.


  • The Software and licenses issued through the academic program cannot be used or distributed for any commercial or business purpose, whether its within or outside the academic institution, without express authorization by Maximal Software.

  • The academic software cannot be used for any commercial purpose without acquiring a separate license or otherwise getting an authorization from Maximal Software. This condition includes, that it is NOT allowed to use the optimization results from running the academic software to help make business decisions or for any other commercial purpose.

  • Maximal Software makes no representation about the suitability of the academic software for any purpose. The academic software is licensed to the user on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind, express, implied or statutory, and Maximal Software expressly disclaims, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for any particular purpose, or non-infringement of third party rights. Maximal software does not warrant the functions contained in the academic software will meet the user expectations or requirements, or that the operation of the software will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that defects in the software will be corrected. Furthermore, Maximal Software does not warrant or make any representations regarding the use or the results of the use of the software or related documentation in terms of correctness, accuracy, reliability, or otherwise. No oral or written information or advice given by Maximal Software or Maximal Authorized Representative shall create a warranty.

  • The academic software is provided gratuitously and, accordingly, Maximal Software shall not be liable under any theory of law for any damages suffered by any user of the software including but not limited to any incidental, consequential, exemplary or special damages, including any lost profits or lost savings, even if Maximal Software has been advised of or has reason to know of the possibility of such damages, or for any claim by any third party. This limitation shall not apply to claims of personal injury to the extent applicable law prohibits such limitation.

  • Maximal Software reserves the right to accept or refuse applications at its own discretion, terminate the program at any time, or modify the terms of the program without any notice.

Please note, that by applying for the Academic Program and requesting the software license, you are agreeing to all of the above conditions.

To apply for the MPL Academic Program, please fill out the MPL Academic Program Application Form.